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Media and entertainment trends to follow in 2024

Now that we’re well into 2024, the massive media and entertainment industry is at a crossroads. Many paths lay ahead but there’s no clarity on which one is guaranteed to succeed. The digital revolution has made an impact on the world and is reinventing the media landscape.

But, what’s the next step? Which way should the industry go? How will emerging new technologies change the way we consume media? Are you ready for the changes in consumer behavior and technology shifts? This article helps you get an idea of what’s coming and how to navigate these transformative times.

This article will cover topics like:

·         Emerging technologies

·         Consumer behavior shifts

·         AI’s role in creating personalized content

·         The evolution of streaming services

·         A growth of interactive and immersive experiences

·         The need for data-driven decision making

Characters of people holding multimedia icons illustration

Emerging technologies in media and entertainment

The industry is transforming and this transformation is fuelled by the rise of virtual and augmented worlds. These worlds come to be using ground-breaking technologies. According to a report published by PwC, AI’s contribution to this sector could reach 15.7 trillion USD by the end of 2030. The growth here indicates how AI, generative AI, and AR are playing a role in shaping the industry.

AI and Generative AI (or Gen AI) stand at the front of this revolution. These technologies reshape the way we create, distribute, and experience content. For example, AI and Gen AI enable platforms to create tailored experiences and help in creating new and interactive content. Spotify is taking advantage of AI to create personalized music recommendations. Their technology analyses a user’s listening habits and uses that information to suggest new songs or playlists the user may like.

Augmented reality is another game changer in the industry. This technology provides an immersive experience that carefully blends digital elements with the real world.

Changing consumer behavior in 2024

Media companies the world over are seeing a significant shift in consumer behavior. The digital era greatly changed what consumers watch and the way they watch it. Preferences steadily trend towards on-demand, personalized content. This trend is further amplified by the global pandemic’s lasting impact on consumption habits.

The notable trends in consumer behavior include

Personal and on-demand content

There is a growing preference for personal content driven by advancements in AI and machine learning. Many consumers want or expect media to cater to their tastes. Presently, consumer schedules are moving away from the traditional scheduled programming to a flexible one.

A surge in streaming and service subscriptions

Streaming services keep growing in popularity. According to Deloitte, more than three-fourths of US citizens have at least one streaming service. The data here indicates the massive consumer shift from regular TV to digital streaming platforms.

Interactive and engaging experiences

The growing demand for interactive content like virtual reality and AR experience is on the rise. Consumers are no longer satisfied with being passive viewers. They want engaging, immersive experiences that blur the line between content and the viewer.

Rise of multi-platform consumption

Consumers want to access their content on multiple devices and platforms. This approach leads to an integrated media experience. The trend also reshapes the way users distribute and consume content.  

These changes in consumer behavior do more than redefine the media and the entertainment industry. They set the stage for a new era of digital consumption. Here, personalization, interactivity, and multi-platform accessibility are essential.

AI’s role in creating personalized content

Integrating AI into content personalization is more than a trend. It is a revolution reshaping the media and entertainment landscape. According to McKinsey, AI-driven personalization leads to nearly 80% of buyers becoming repeat shoppers. Personalization elevates user satisfaction and plays a role in boosting viewer engagement.

However, it is essential to note the greater implications of AI in content personalization. These implications extend beyond the individual cases. AI shapes how content is curated and consumed on a global level. It provides viewers with an immersive and personal experience. Presently, it is reaching the point where responding to the user’s preferences is not enough. It is better to anticipate them and create personalized content ahead of time. 

Evolution of streaming services

The streaming industry is evolving with each passing year. This evolution is marked by several transformative trends that reshape the way content is consumed.

Innovative subscription models

We’re seeing the notable evolution of subscription models. Companies are now investing in pay-per-view options, bundled services, and loyalty programs. These models go well beyond the premium and ad-supported tiers. The diversification of options helps companies cater to a greater audience and address the consumer demand for value and flexibility.

Strategic content acquisition and production

There will always be a race for exclusive and original content. Streaming platforms heavily invest in unique content and produce original series/films to stand out from the competition. The success of platforms like Amazon Prime and Netflix is a testament to this strategy’s effectiveness. Both platforms have produced shows that have received critical and commercial success.

Greater viewer engagement through technology

Streaming services utilize advanced technologies like AI and ML to create personalized recommendations. They also use this tech to improve the UI and add features that benefit the customer. Integrating advanced technologies into existing ones is crucial for driving viewer retention and engagement.

Global expansion and localization

The growth of streaming services means an increase in localizing content for different regions. This need broadens their audience base. It also helps companies understand and cater to cultural nuances and regional preferences.

Sustainability and environmental considerations

The growth of digital consumption may cause some companies to examine their environmental impact. These companies will look for ways to reduce their digital carbon footprint and promote sustainable viewing habits.

The rise of interactive and immersive experiences

Immersive and interactive experiences drive a profound transformation in the media and entertainment industry. Consumers now want engaging and participatory content in an ever-changing media landscape. This approach gives rise to a new era where passive consumption changes to active engagement. This new era opens up possibilities for innovators and content creators.

Interactive media in particular is experiencing exponential growth. Studies indicate that interactive content generates more engagement than static content. The study highlights a massive shift in consumer preferences to participatory experiences.

The need for data-driven decision making

Data analytics is a lynchpin for content creation and marketing in media and entertainment. It shows a paradigm shift from instinct-based decisions to insight-backed strategies. It also has a significant impact on content creation.

Data analytics provides insight into audience preferences, engagement patterns, and behaviors. For example, Netflix uses viewing data to decide which content to produce and what shows to renew.

Data-driven strategies enable tailored marketing campaigns and ensure the content reaches the right audience. A company that analyses digital media industry trends can understand which genres or themes resonate with the audience. This approach reduces the risks typically found with content production. 


Videographers shooting interview in TV studio. News host talking to TV show guest. Flat vector illustration for camera crew, broadcasting, television concept

2024 and beyond

The media and entertainment landscape is undergoing significant changes. The rise of AI content personalization to the evolution of streaming services are but some of those changes. The media and entertainment industry must take note of these trends. They must be ready to face new concepts, adopt innovative business models, and integrate new technologies. That way, they will stand ahead of the competition and attract the biggest audience.

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