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Top tech stacks of 2024

Top tech stacks of 2024

There are many sides to software development. But, the most important aspect of it is the technology stack or tech stack. A tech stake plays a crucial role in a project’s success or failure. This point holds especially true in 2024. Presently, many tech stacks in the industry stand out for their performance, effectiveness, and scalability.

This article covers the best tech stacks used in software development. Here, we will look at the basic types in the industry and why choosing the right one is crucial. The article also provides a closer look at some of the famous tech stacks used in 2024. We also provide a few tips to help you choose the right tech stack for your project.

What is a technology stack?

A tech stack is a group of software tools, programming languages, frameworks, and libraries used by software developers. It helps them in creating a software application from start to finish.

Looking further, a tech stack comprises two key components. The first is a frontend stack and the other is a backend stack.

Frontend stack

The frontend stack is the tool used to develop the user interface. Everything the user sees on an app or a website is the result of the frontend stack. The technologies used to develop the UI include CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. The frameworks for this stack are typically Angular, Vue.js, and React.

Backend stack

The backend stack is the tools and tech used to develop the server-side or back of a software application. The technology here includes languages like Java, PHP, Ruby, and Python. The stack also uses frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Django.

Impact of a tech stack on software app development

The tech stack a company selects plays a major role in your web development project. Full-stack development covers the tools and technologies used to create an app. Everything from the programming language to the databases, frameworks, operating systems, and web servers comes under this term. Hence, the tech stack chosen here affects every part of the app development process. These parts include areas like development speed, product quality, and scalability.

Ease of use

Anyone new to the programming industry can choose an easy-to-learn-and-use tech stack. That way, they can quickly understand their work and produce results efficiently. Experienced developers often choose a complex tech stack that provides advanced features. That way, these developers can create the application they want.

Speed and performance

The right tech stack impacts the speed and performance of the development process. Some stacks are meant for speedy development and help in the overall development process. Other tech stacks have scalability in mind. These are applications meant to handle many users without stuttering. The tech stack chosen ultimately depends on the project in development and its specific requirements.

Technical debt

This term refers to the cost and inefficiency caused by making trade-offs or taking shortcuts during development. Shortcuts here refer to things like using outdated/incompatible technologies. Imagine, a simple stack to use in the present may require maintenance and updates in the future. That need results in slower development and higher costs. Conversely, a tech stack that is harder to implement could provide greater scalability in the future. That benefit results in reducing the technical debt while making the development process significantly better.

Components of a tech stack

Always remember that every software project is different. Hence, the technology used to make the product affects the product’s success. The first step to a successful development process is being aware of a tech stack’s essential parts.

User interface

The User Interface or UI is pivotal in user interactions. It is part of the front-end stack and covers all the interactive and visible elements of an app. According to Forbes, an intuitive UI increases engagement rates from users by a whopping 200%. Hence, a good UI enhances the experience, leaves a lasting impression, and keeps users coming back.

Programming languages

This component is the foundation for all mobile and web development. The language is the bedrock for any project. There are many languages to choose and each one comes with unique benefits. For example, Python works for machine learning and Java is ideal for mobile app development. Many developers choose JavaScript, making it a very popular and preferred programming language.


This component refers to the software libraries that streamline the app creation process. Frameworks streamline things by providing a robust development structure. A solid framework reduces the time taken to code the application. That way, developers devote greater time to crafting a superior product.

Runtime environment

This component deals with the software’s performance and its behavior. Various runtime environments provide unique features and benefits. Examples of famous runtime environments include Java Runtime Environment and Node.js.


Severs oversee an app’s transmission and data management. They are an indispensable part of the app development process. Servers ensure continual operations so users can access the product whenever and wherever they please.


A database, at the core acts as an organized data gatherer. Databases exist to provide efficient data storage, manipulation, and retrieval at a moment’s notice. Presently, Oracle is the preferred choice for DBMS.

The best software development stacks of 2024

Listed below are the ten stacks to choose from in 2024. These stacks are the best choice for their performance, effectiveness, and scalability.

LAMP stack

LAMP Stack

The LAMP stack is a very popular tech stack used in software development. The technologies used here are Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Linux is a famous open-source operating system that gives developers a secure platform to work on. Apache is a famous web server that supports multiple programming languages. It is also famous for being flexible and scalable. MySQL is a strong and reliable database management system. Here, developers have an efficient data retrieval system to fall back on at any time. PHP is a scripting language used on the server side and is used during web development.

The LAMP stack is famous for providing a simple, adaptable, and cost-effective development tech stack. LAMP enables developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications. These apps are easy to maintain and scale up when the need requires it. The LAMP stack is the ideal choice for developers starting their work or for small and medium-sized projects. However, there are better options when working on a project requiring high performance and scalability.

Ultimately, the affordability, ease of use, and flexibility make it a great choice among developers worldwide.

One example of an app made with the LAMP stack is WordPress.

ASP.NET stack

This tech stack helps developers build robust and dynamic web applications. This tech stack is a server-side website application framework. It works well with the .Net platform of Microsoft.

ASP.NET’s key features are focused on security, scalability, and performance. This tech stack provides an extensive set of libraries and tools for developers. It helps them make complex web apps with greater speed and efficiency. The framework here supports multiple programming languages like Visual Basic and C#. Also, the tech stacks easily integrate with other Microsoft tech like Visual Studio, Azure, and SQL Server.

The tech stack has many advantages over others. Firstly, it works better than regular web technologies like LAMP or PHP. Secondly, it is better in scalability and handling high traffic. Finally, ASP.NET provides robust security features and that makes it the best choice for apps having high-security measures.

That said, ASP.NET does require specialized expertise and knowledge to properly harness. Also, it has a steep learning cover in comparison to other web development frameworks. That it is a Microsoft technology is also a negative as most developers prefer open-source platforms over others.

The best example of an app generated with ASP.NET is GoDaddy

MEAN stack

MEAN Stack

Here is another popular tech stack used for software development. It is an open-source and free tech stack whose components are MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. The MEAN stack is famous for being versatile and flexible. That makes it a great choice when developing real-time or dynamic applications.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data as documents. It is manageable and highly scalable. Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime used to build high-performing, scalable apps. Express is famous for being a light but powerful framework that developers use to build web apps. AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript framework known for simplifying the development process for single-page apps.

The biggest advantage MEAN stack provides is the ability to use JavaScript for the server and client. This benefit reduces the need to constantly switch between different programming languages. Removing this hurdle frees up developers to create, test, and deploy their applications. Afterward, they can maintain and scale them when needed.

The MEAN stack is a great choice for anyone developing real-time web apps. Also, it is great for building mobile apps using Native Script and Ionic.

The best example of an app created with the MEAN stack is YouTube.

MERN stack

MERN Stack

This stack is another powerful and famous full-stack development suite used to create dynamic web apps. The stack consists of four technologies. They are MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. The four tools here significantly contribute to the creation of a strong and reliable application

The MERN stack is the preferred choice for creating a modern and dynamic app. The reason is that they combine four powerful technologies into a single stack. Apps built with the MERN stack are scalable, easy to maintain, and performant. Also, there is a large and active developer community that contributes to the stack’s development and growth. These benefits make it a great choice for many web development projects.

The best example of a product made with the MERN stack is Netflix.

MEVN stack

MEVN Stack

The MEVN stack comprises four technologies. These technologies are MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, and Node.js. Developers turn to MEVN when they want to build robust and scalable web apps. The MEVN stack is especially useful for apps with a dynamic user interface and needs real-time data streaming.

One of the biggest advantages MEVN brings to the table is it lets developers build web apps with a single language, JavaScript. This benefit means that developers don’t have to move between multiple programming languages. That way, they save time and reduce overall development costs. Also, this stack is highly modular. What that means is it is easy to add new features and functions to the app at a later date.

The next big benefit the MEVN stack brings is scalability and deployment. Developers can deploy their apps on places like MS Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. These platforms provide an ideal environment for scalability. Here, developers can scale up their apps to handle millions of users and not sacrifice performance.

That said, the stack is not perfect. The biggest challenge the MEVN stack faces is it is quite new compared to RoR or LAMP. That newness means less documentation and resources are available online. Also, MEVN is not to be used for building large-scale applications that emphasize having a complex architecture in place.

Ruby on Rails (RoR) stack

RoR is a popular open-source web app framework that relies on Ruby. The RoR stack gained traction over the years for its emphasis on the ‘convention over configuration’ approach to development. Here, developers could focus on the app’s logic instead of the configuration details.

The RoR stack consists of Ruby, Rails, SQLite, and RoR. Ruby is a dynamic, object-focused programming language. Rails is a web app framework that follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern. SQLite is a relational database management system that RoR supports.

RoR has many benefits for developers. Firstly, it has a big and active developer community. The community has plenty of tutorials, plugins, and documentation for solving problems. Also, the modular design benefits later maintenance and scalability. Now, developers can add or remove components without worrying if that piece affects the whole.

One good example of an app made with the RoR stack is AirBnb.

Python stack

Python is famous for being a high-level, general programming language seeing wide usage in software development. Developers often turn to Python for web development, data analysis, AI, ML, scientific computing, and web development. Python is well regarded for having a straightforward syntax, easy usage, and versatility. Those benefits make it a great choice for experienced and novice developers.

Python works using an interpreted language. That means developers can write code and execute it without needing to compile it. It is a fast language to develop in as the code is easy to run and editable. Also, Python has an extensive code library for developers looking to speed up project development.

The Python stack gives developers access to a wide sphere of technologies. It is compatible with front-end techs like Vue and React. It is also compatible with backend technology like Flask and Django. That flexibility makes it great for any developer looking to make feature-rich, intricate applications.

An example of a great app developed using Python is Reddit.

Java stack

Java is another popular language used for building enterprise-grade apps. It has a very large developer community as it has been in the industry for decades now. The community has a vast database of frameworks, libraries, and tools that help with the development process.

The Java stack has three components. They are Java, the Spring framework, and a database system. Java is an object-focused, platform-independent programming language. Here, the code can run on any machine no matter the operating system it has. Spring is a famous Java framework that facilitates the development of enterprise-grade apps in a lightweight and modular way. It comes with modules for web development, data access, security, and testing. Java developers can also access different database systems like Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

Java is perhaps the best choice for anyone looking to develop apps that require scalability and performance. It also has many security features and is the preferred choice when creating sensitive data-focused apps.

However, newcomers will face a steep learning curve with Java. The language also requires more resources compared to other stacks. This requirement negatively affects the project’s development costs and time.

An example of a product built using Java is the Minecraft.

Serverless stack

One of the newest software development trends in the industry is the serverless stack. This stack removes the need for worrying about server management and infrastructure. Here, developers can completely focus on the app’s code without spending time thinking about the infrastructure or anything else.

The serverless stack is a great approach to cost-effective development without worrying about dedicated servers. Developers can use this stack through cloud computing services like Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, AWS, and Google Cloud Functions.

The serverless stack operates under the FaaS or Functions as a Service concept. This concept breaks the app down into discrete functions that developers can execute when needed. Specific events like user requests activate these functions. That activation runs and gets a response. The functions here only work when they have to. That way, developers don’t have to pay for unused server resources.

That said, the serverless stack is not for every application. For example, applications that have long-running processes do not benefit from a serverless stack. Also, the whole system primarily relies on cloud computing to function. That means developers will experience latency issues for apps that rely on high responsiveness.

An example of a great app built with this stack is Figma.

Flutter for web

Google’s Flutter is an open-source framework once used for mobile app development. However, recent updates mean it can also be used for web development. Flutter for Web is a new software development trend that provides several specific benefits and features. As a result, this tech stack is growing in popularity among the developer community.

Here, developers can create visually appealing, responsive, and high-performance web apps that work on multiple platforms. The tech stack shares the same codebase as the mobile app. That approach makes the development process efficient and faster. The stack also has an intuitive and modern user interface. The navigation is easy and simple to use, making it a great choice for any developer.

The big benefit Flutter for Web brings is the ability to create web apps that look and feel like native mobile apps. Here, developers can use pre-built widgets that accelerate and simplify web app development. The stack also comes with a hot-reload function. This function helps developers can see real-time changes they make to the code.

An example of a great app built using Flutter for the web is Alibaba.

Final thoughts

There are many factors to consider when choosing the tech stack for a project. These factors include project size, security, complexity, team, maintenance, costs, scalability, and time to market.

The technology world sees changes every day. A good software developer remains aware of the latest software development trends. That way, they can choose the right stack for the project.

Companies that struggle to find the right stack or don’t have a development team can always partner with external companies. These companies know which stack is the best for your project and can see it to fruition from start to finish.

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